Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this paper was to examine more fully the literature on team teaching in order to gain a concrete understanding of the issues and problems involved; to learn same steps which are necessary for developing a team teaching program; and to formulate a program on the primary level using the ungraded team teaching approach. Materials used in research of the problem were bulletins from the National Association of Secondary-School Principals on staff utilization, an annotated bibliography compiled by Anne Kavanaugh at Indiana University, the two new books on team teaching, Team Teaching--Bold Hew Venture, and Team Teaching. Contact was made with various school systems which have used both the team teaching approach and the ungraded primary. Team teaching materials developed by Ford Foundation were used in study of the organization plans of team teaching. Research in the team teaching field and the ungraded primary has indicated the following generalizations: 1. Team teaching and the ungraded primary have similarities in philosophy, administration, programming, educational goals, use of teaching personnel, pupil grouping, and the high interest in individual differences. 2. The elementary principal will have a greater emphasis placed upon his role. 3. A greater one to one relationship will exist than the recommended 25-1 ratio of the self - contained classroom of the present. 4. The kindergarten will became more of a part of the primary school. The recommendations include an ungraded team teaching plan for a school of one hundred pupils, and presents a program in reading to show how subjects may be adapted to this type of organization.


Orin Gladman

Date of Award

Summer 1964

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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