Master's Theses


Health and Human Performance

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between (1) physical fitness and social adjustment, (2) physical fitness and self-concepts, and (3) social adjustment and self-concepts of ninth and tenth grade girls. RESEARCH METHODS: The subjects used in this study were 142 girls, grades 9-10, enrolled in physical education classes during the 1961-1962 school year at Russell Kansas High School. The testing instruments used were as follows: (1) the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test (to assess physical fitness), (2) the Cowell Social Adjustment indexes (teachers' assessment of pupil's social adjustment), (3) a sociometric questionnaire (peer status), (4) the Twenty Statements Test (general self-concepts), and (5) a self-appraisal check list (self-concepts of physical ability and aptitude). The test results were scored and organized by conversion to percentile scores. For each test, the quartile division was calculated to provide a method of grouping the data into convenient categories for subsequent analysis by the chi square test. Individual chi square tests were computed to test the independence of different tests for similar traits. If independence was indicated, each test was used individually in subsequent analysis of the trait being measured. If the data indicated non-independence, those tests were combined into a single index score for each trait. Subsequent analyses were made to investigate the relationship between physical fitness, social adjustment and self-concepts as assessed by the aforementioned tests. Analysis by the chi square test was utilized to test the relationship of these traits. Where a significant chi square value resulted, the contingency coefficient was calculated to assess the strength or degree of relationship. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of this study, the following conclusions seemed warranted: 1. The Cowell Social Adjustment Indexes and the sociometric questionnaire were significantly related (contingency coefficient = 0.38). 2. There was no significant relationship between the Twenty Statements Test as a Measure of general self-concepts and a self-appraisal check list representing specific self-concepts of physical ability and aptitude. 3. Social adjustment index scores and the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test scores were significantly related (contingency coefficient = 0.37). 4. There was no significant relationship between general self-concepts as measured by the Twenty Statements Test and physical fitness as measured by the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test. 5. Self-concepts of physical ability and aptitude were significantly related to physical fitness (AAHPER Youth Fitness Test) with a contingency coefficient of 0.35. 6. There was a significant relationship between social adjustment and general self-concepts (contingency coefficient = 0.25). 7. There was no significant relationship between social adjustment scores and self-concepts of physical ability and aptitude.


Harold B. Falls, Jr.

Date of Award

Fall 1963

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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