Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


A detailed analysis of the shoreline vegetation occurring on old cultivated fields was conducted at Cedar Bluff Reservoir. In addition, the vegetation of each shoreline community or zone was correlated with the history of previous inundation on that particular zone. Five different areas were selected for study, and five transects were established on each study area. Transects were positioned parallel to each other at thirty meter intervals, and each transect intersected the water line at approximately right angles. Grasses and sedges were sampled along each line by means of a meter long rod; other herbaceous vegetation was sampled by a rectangular frame, one meter long and two decimeters wide; and woody vegetation was sampled by a square meter frame. The dates and duration of inundation on each zone were determined by establishing elevation contours above and below the zones, and utilizing the daily water level records available from the reservoir superintendent. Each study area contained a control zone which was positioned directly above and parallel to the high water line. The control zones of each area were quite similar in vegetative composition, and represented typical, undisturbed “go back” vegetation of fields in the tenth to twentieth year of secondary succession. Each study area also contained a corresponding zone found immediately above the existing water line. This zone was characterized by numerous hydrophytic and water tolerant herbaceous plants and an abundance of woody plants. This lowest zone was most often inundated in each study area, and was most influenced by the effects of the fluctuating water level within the reservoir. Aside from the uppermost, uninundated control zone and the lowermost, frequently inundated zone, each area varied somewhat in vegetation and physiography. Areas I, II, and IV contained three zones, other than the two previously mentioned, that were similar in vegetative aspect and corresponded in elevations. Area III had only two other zones and Area V contained three other zones, markedly different from any of those studied.


G. W. Tomanek

Date of Award

Spring 1963

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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