Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between bodily concern and certain personality variables. Four measures of bodily concern were correlated with the scales of the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. Three hypotheses were checked in the study of bodily concern. I. There is a positive relationship between bodily concern and the EPPS scale of Deference. II. There is a negative relationship between bodily concern and the EPPS scale of Autonomy. III. There is a positive relationship between bodily concern and the EPPS scale of exhibition. The hypotheses were not supported by the results. In regard to the testing of hypothesis II, no significant correlations were found. In regard to hypotheses I and III, significant correlations in the opposite direction from those predicted were obtained. Thus significant negative correlations at or beyond the .05 level of confidence were obtained between at least one bodily concern scale and the variables of the EPPS of Deference and Exhibition. The significant correlations between the bodily concern scales and the other EPPS variables were discussed and certain recommendations were made with regard to the possibility of further research in this area.


Stanley C. Mahoney

Date of Award

Summer 1961

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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