Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The two purposes of this study were first, to study parent conferences as a means of reporting pupil progress; and second, to obtain background material in order to write a play which could be used to depict parent-teacher conference techniques. The procedure followed included a survey of literature relating to parent-teacher conferences, the development of a list of principles, and the writing of a play utilizing these principles. The study reveals that older reporting methods cannot be utilized to report progress effectively in schools where opportunity is stressed for fullest development of the social, physical, emotional, and intellectual abilities of children. Both parents and teachers approve the use of the parent-teacher conference as a reporting method. By the conference method the activities of the school and the progress of the child can be much better interpreted to the parents. Many and varied plans are being tried at the present time in order to provide adequate time for the preparation and scheduling or the conferences. Although teachers realize that conferences can improve the relationship between school and home, they are also cognizant that, unless handled properly, mutual understanding will not be obtained and actual harm may result. The methods of improving techniques may be conducted in various ways. Role playing can be used by teachers willing to explore new ways of becoming more effective in their counseling techniques with parents. The findings of this study would indicate that conferences should become an integral part of the school program.


Dr. Clement Wood

Date of Award

Summer 1961

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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