Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


One of our nation’s growing concerns is obesity and the effect it has on one’s health and overall quality of life. Determining the underlying causes for an individual’s avoidance of exercise is crucial in battling the obesity crisis. The impact negative feelings involving Physical Education classes taken in adolescence may have on one’s current exercise routines and barriers to current participation in exercise were examined in the current study. Measures of barriers to exercise, self-esteem, current exercise routines and negative experiences involving Physical Education classes were examined. A total of 101 participants completed the measures of barriers to exercise, self-esteem, current exercise routines and negative experiences involving Physical Education classes. Results indicated that higher levels of negative experiences involving Physical Education classes are associated with lower levels of self-esteem and current exercise participation and a higher number of reported barriers to exercise. Results also indicate that the associations between negative experiences in Physical Education, self-esteem, barriers to exercise and current exercise participation do not significantly differ between men and women.


Dr. Carol Patrick

Date of Award

Spring 2014

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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Psychology Commons
