Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This study was made in a search to determine adequate methods of teaching three-dimensional form. Until recently, the methods of teaching three-dimensional form have been dominated by a philosophy which has suppressed creativeness, therefore the general public is uninformed and indifferent to significant art form. In too many instances ineffective methods of teaching are still in practice. Many of the books and magazine articles printed today are merely restating ideas and procedures t hat were of little value when first stated. The authors seldom suggest ways for the individual to grow creatively. Readers of these articles and books are influenced to turn out projects that have been handed out without regard for the individual's creative potential. Creative expression is not encouraged at all when the answers are worked out for all to follow. The individual is significant in this study because art is more of an individual problem than a collective problem.


Dr. William Clement Wood

Date of Award

Spring 1955

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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