Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


To date only limited progress has been made in the field of electrodeposition of alloys and pure metals. The progress in this field has been hampered by the lack of fundamental thermodynamic information concerning solutions used in industry. Diffusion coefficients and transference numbers have been measured for some chlorides and sulfates; however, when an attempt is made to apply the information in industry, the results do not show agreement with experiments. This disagreement has not been resolved by expressing solution composition in terms of activities. In electroplating, solutions of copper and cadmium sulfamate are used, but there is a lack of basic physicochemical information for these solutions. Therefore, a series of experiments has been performed to determine the transference numbers of copper sulfa sulfamate and cadmium sulfamate. The Hittorf method for determining the transference number of the sulfamate ion has been used. The transference number of an ion is that fraction of total current carried by that ion when a current is passed through a solution.


Dr. Harold S. Choguill

Date of Award

Spring 1954

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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