Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The Re-evaluation of William Jennings Bryan in Woodrow Wilson’s Administration is a study of the relationships of William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State, Edward M. House, uncommissioned agent of Woodrow Wilson, Walter Hines Page, United States. Ambassador to England, and Woodrow Wils0n, President of the United States. The author’s purpose in writing this thesis is to throw light upon the machinations that were carried on behind the back of William Jennings Bryan, as Secretary of State in Woodrow Wilson's Administration. This investigation gives to Bryan a higher and more reputable position in American history than he is usually accorded. In order to accomplish this task it was necessary to re-evaluate The Intimate Papers of Colonel House which covers the Colonel's early youth up to the end of World War I. The period 1912-1915 was given special attention. The author does not contend that Bryan should have been given the appointment, nor does he contend that there were not others who could have served in the capacity of Secretary of State with more ability than Bryan. The author does contend that with all the handicaps that Bryan faced, the Commoner performed his duty to the American people admirably.


Dr. Katherine Nutt

Date of Award

Summer 1953

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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