Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Since approximately two-thirds (12) of the energy from the fuel in automobile engines is converted to unusable heat, it is necessary that a method of cooling the engines be provided. In most present-day engines of this type, an indirect method is utilized, namely, the transfer of heat to a liquid and thence from the liquid to the surrounding air by means of radiators Water is universally used for the coolant liquid because of its availability and high heat transfer properties. However, water has its limitations. A significant limitation of water as a coolant is its corrosive action causing rust clogging and metal perforation. Water is a very stable compound, but it attacks certain cooling system metals vigorously under the influence of heat and aeration. Even more significant than these is its high freezing point. Ever since the automobile reached the point of perfection that made it usable in the colder seasons of the year, men have been searching for coolants with freezing points lower than that of water and possessing the desirable coolant characteristics of water. In addition to an adequately lower freezing point, it is a necessary requirement that an antifreeze does not impart undesirable properties that would interfere with cooling engines efficiently. It is also highly desirable that the substance reduce the corrosive tendency.


Ternary freezing points, Ternary boiling points, Antifreeze, Coolants, Chemistry, Analysis


Dr. Harold S. Choguill

Date of Award

Spring 1950

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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