Master's Theses


Communication Studies

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Leadership development programs are a popular tool utilized by communities and organizations to influence culture, challenge status quo and develop individuals. Research targeting the effectiveness of these programs is voluminous, but much of the work done thus far measures program effectiveness by one of two methods: either by the change in the attitudes and behavior of participants, or by the opinions participants held regarding the content and curriculum of the program. This study sought measure program effectiveness by looking at the real impact upon communities and organizations. This study explored the potential relationship between health and vibrancy of communities and the presence of community leadership programs. Leadership program alumni were interviewed and members of their communities were surveyed to determine if the local program, Leadership Golden Belt in Great Bend, Kansas, is effective in generating leadership and to determine if the actions of alumni were impacting their community’s health.


Dr. Connie Eigenmann

Date of Award

Spring 2016

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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Included in

Communication Commons
