Master's Theses


Health and Human Performance

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



The purpose of this study was to investigate the force-velocity curve in the athletic population. There was special interest in determining the point of peak-power (PP%), the point of peak power drop-off (PPDO%), and the range (RANGE) between these points for three different exercises: the bench press (BENCH), the back squat (SQUAT), and the floor clean (CLEAN). Further investigation looked to find differences in these points between different sub-groups within the athletes sampled. Data was retrieved from an existing database on 72 healthy Fort Hays State University athletes from five different teams during their off-season six-week training cycle. All data was from the Summer 2019 or early Spring 2020 seasons. Peak power data, measured in Watts was collected using the EliteForm training system under normal training conditions and transferred into SPPS to create the operational variables and then run analysis. Between exercise data was analyzed with One-Sample Way ANOVA with all findings being statistically significant (alpha < .05) for PP% and PPDO%, but not for RANGE. For PP%, CLEAN > SQUAT > BENCH. This remained consistent even when the athletes who reach peak power at 100% of their 1RM were removed from the data set. PPDO% off of 1% was analyzed with these athletes removed and found CLEAN > SQUAT > BENCH. Between athlete subgroups data was analyzed with a series of ANOVAs, and a Tukey Post Hoc was performed when appropriate (alpha < .05). In general, the subgroups saw the most significant variation in BENCH. CONTACT and NON-CONTACT athletes had the greatest number of significant differences. Again, RANGE was not significantly different between groups in any cases analyzed.


Dr. Steve Sedbrook

Date of Award

Spring 2021

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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