Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study was to determine whether state park difficulty affected location of travel. This study was conducted at three state park locations within the United States. Surveys and on-site examinations were made at the following locations; Wilson State Park, Kansas, Petit Jean State Park, Arkansas, and Kiholo State Park, Hawaii. Park locations were chosen by varying levels of terrain difficulty, as well as a rating from the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum. Participants were asked to report data via iPads on exercise habits, mobility limiting impairments, and frequency of exercise so a ranking of the healthiest participants could be created according to the standards of the American College of Sports Medicine. General demographic questions and zip codes were also requested for supplemental analysis. Once compiled, the data was analyzed using the Qualtrics Survey Platform to obtain descriptive statistics, graphs, charts, and a location for further analysis. Initial analysis of the descriptive results indicated high overall health levels in Kiholo, moderate in Kansas, and moderate to low in Arkansas. Statistical analysis showed no significance between difficulty and average weekly exercise rates but showed significant statistical differences between the means of mobility limiting impairments and types of exercise performed.


Dr. Keith Bremer

Date of Award

Summer 2020

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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