Master's Theses


Communication Studies

Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSE)



New technology is part of the current world. Communication is useful because it helps to share daily life with loved ones. The world of telecommunication has become a valuable criterion in the lives of everyone in developing nations. Wherever one might be, people are prompted to surf on the Internet or engage in social networks. From the morning wake up, the first concern of most people, especially the younger generation, is cellphone or computer use.

Telecommunication has been in existence since the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell, and ever since people have seen it as something valuable and important. Africans, Asians, Europeans, and Americans all accept social media and electronic communion as part of life. Research of West Africa will show how telecommunication has become widespread in the black continent. Focus is on how the use of cellular telephones and internet have grown in the studied countries, and the standard of living changes, especially in Senegal, Gambia, and Mali. These three countries have gained tremendous economic advantages from its development. With several telephone and Internet operators, these countries are not left behind.

Based on qualitative and quantitative responses collected through Survey Monkey, it is clear that some people still have difficulties to access the Internet due to expense. The survey included a series of open-ended and multiple-choice questions, all written in a way that will help glean a clear understanding on how social media and internet are used in Senegal, Gambia, and Mali. The participants of this current study are random citizens of the respective countries met online.

The survey questions also help to distinguish the main reason for social media usage in the three identified countries. With the use of the feminist theory, a better understanding of how women in these respected areas are taking part of the new electronic communication is gained for scholarship. Social media opens dialogue even though it is not relevant or acceptable for women to have a social presence in public. The main point of this thesis is to discuss the kinds of electronic communication devices, internet access, and cellphone usage, in the respective research countries. It highlights how technology affects an individual’s life in Senegal, Mali, and Gambia.

Key Words: Electronic Communication, Internet, Cellular Telephones, Social Media, Feminism Theory, Radio, Landline Telephones, Western Africa.


Dr. Connie Eigenmann

Date of Award

Spring 2019

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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