Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The present study presents and explains the relationship between Nemaha uplift and Mid-continent rift (MCR), where the understanding of the faulting systems around the study region were extremely important with regard to finding the relationship. The Nemaha is located in Kansas State in the Central United States with a total area of about 719 square miles. It was formed around the pre- Mississippian era. The compression and rifting processes that led to formation of faults, volcanoes, ridges and oceanic plates controls the faulting in the Nemaha region. The MCR system is a major tectonic feature in North America that is believed to have been formed around 1100 Ma. MCR is generally a paleo-rift that is covered by the Phanerozoic in the craton of North America whose patterns, structure and degree are identified by geophysical means. In this study two methods; contour mapping and 3D analysis mapping, were used and the Surfer program and Geosoft software were used for the data contouring and presentation. In addition, pre-Cambrian wells that were drilled in 10 counties in the state of Kansas were used. The present study confirms that the two different structural features; namely Nemaha uplift and MCR rift are formed by two sets of reverse faults that have different, but related, degrees of dipping and parallel strikes.


Dr. Thomas Schafer

Date of Award

Winter 2018

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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Geology Commons
