Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


The purpose of this investigation was to identify thoughts, feelings, and circumstances experienced by diabetics before self-glucose monitoring, after glucose monitoring, and after deciding not to monitor glucose. Monitoring glucose is essential for diabetes management (Funnell et al., 1998); however, not all diabetics monitor glucose (Harris et al., 1993; Wdowik et al., 1997; Sullivan & Joseph, 1998). The theoretical base for the investigation was Modeling and Role-Modeling Theory, Modeling and Role-Modeling Theory states that each individual has a different worldview, or different perspective of the world (Erickson et al., 1983). Understanding thoughts, feelings, and circumstances regarding self-glucose monitoring would provide healthcare providers with insights into the worldview of diabetic clients who may experience barriers to self-monitoring. Healthcare providers could individualize interventions to assist in removing such barriers. A nonexperimental, descriptive investigation was conducted to determine possible barriers to monitoring glucose. The Barriers to Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose Scale was completed by 42 diabetic subjects residing in central Midwest countries. The investigation identified thoughts, feelings, and circumstances experienced before self-glucose monitoring, after self-glucose monitoring, and after deciding not to monitor. All subjects reported experiencing some barrier thoughts, feelings, and circumstances related to self-glucose monitoring. Almost half of the subjects stated they did not want to have diabetes. Few of the barrier statements were cited by a majority of the subjects. Commonly reported was not wanting to perform glucose monitoring away from home in front of other people. Investigation findings indicated that while some commonalities existed, reported thoughts, feelings, and circumstances were individual. The findings were consistent with the theory that each individual has a model of the world (Erickson et al., 1983). The investigation was limited by the small sample size and the variable that all the subjects except one regularly attended support groups. The findings from the investigation were representative of diabetics who voluntarily seek knowledge and support. Diabetics who do not attend support groups may report different thoughts, feelings, and circumstances related to self-glucose monitoring. Healthcare practitioners need to be aware of the client’s individual worldview. Additional research was recommended to further examine barriers to self-glucose monitoring to provide data from populations different than the population studied. Additional research findings would assist healthcare providers in modeling more diverse worldviews.


Mary R. Hassett

Date of Award

Spring 2003

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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