Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


“Of Memories in Combination” is an attempt to connect the personal with the universal. Based in abstraction, my work is a process of developing techniques that add a dimensional presence to inspirations from memories, dreams, literature and music. My work represents experimentation with surface texture and mixed media to create symbolic meaning open to interpretation. This exhibition consists of paintings and sculptural constructions. The paintings are like pages of a book just as the constructions are intimate storage places for personal memories, feelings, and desires. Memories vary in textured layers that are shallow and flowing or within deep recesses and niches. The coloration can be subdued and muted or vivid and strong. Memories combine to form an individual’s beliefs, hopes, fears, and desires. The main thing that I am striving for is the translation of unsuperficial emotion using soulful abstraction.


Leland W. Powers

Date of Award

Spring 1999

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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