Master's Theses


Communication Studies

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


In the last two decades, this society has experienced the paradigm shift known as the Information Age, which impacted our world, and changed the structure of our nation’s economy, our work environments, our institutions, our lifestyles and how we plan for the future. In order to survive, corporate leaders in the United States turned to a few innovative men who taught quality management theories. The successes of quality management swept through the ranks of the corporate world and were eventually considered by the government, health-care facilities and educational intuitions. The concept of empowerment was generated by this movement. This concept introduced new ways of thinking to liberate the potential that resides in all people. While we can never return to the old world, empowerment enables us to look at our reality in a different way. Many will chose to reject empowerment theories. Some will learn how to work with others in new and innovative ways. This study involved a university faculty and their perceptions of empowerment in their work environment.




Dr. Willis M. Watt

Date of Award

Spring 1997

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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