Master's Theses


Advanced Education Programs

Degree Name

Education Specialist (Ed.S)


The State of Kansas has granted waivers to several special education cooperatives to use alternative methods for determining eligibility for special education. Instead of determining exceptionalities such as a learning disability using an IQ/achievement discrepancy, the categorical placement is changed to “Special Education.” Eligibility is then based on a discrepancy between the student’s score on a curriculum-based measurement (CBM) probe and the median class score. The Learning Disabilities Association of Kansas (LDAK) predicted that 52% of current Learning Disabled (LD) students would not be eligible for services using the alternative assessment eligibility criteria proposed by Marston and Magnusson (1985) under the CBM approach for identifying students for special education. This field study confirms the LDA-K prediction finding 52.9% of current LD students would not be eligible for special education services using the CBM method. In addition, students previously ineligible for special education and termed “slow learners” would be served using the CBM identification criteria while high IQ LD students would no longer be eligible for services. Further, this study found low correlations between the CBM probes and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement-Revised cluster scores currently used to identify students with learning disabilities.


Amy Claxton

Date of Award

Summer 1997

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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