Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


Job satisfaction is one of the most often mentioned constructs in the theoretical and descriptive literature related to nurses' burnout, commitment, and turnover. Little of the published research has focused on nurses employed in non-urban, non-hospital settings. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the attitudes of rural public health/community nurses toward job satisfaction. A mail survey aimed at registered nurses (N = 115) employed in local health depal1mCnlS serving counties with a population of 10 or less per square mile was employed. Nightingale's grand theory of nursing and Herzberg's two factor motivation-hygiene theory of management served as the theoretical framework for this investigation. Nightingale's concept of environment can be applied to the healthy surroundings necessary to the appropriate delivery of nursing care, and to the organizational climate for care delivery systems. Herzberg's motivators are associated with the achievement of aspirations and bring about increased job satisfaction and improved performance. Motivation is a result of internal abilities. Optimal hygiene only results in the prevention of dissatisfaction or the fulfillment of security needs. The ability to identify those factors related to job satisfaction has significance to the practice of nursing administration and has the potential to contribute to the proactive approach of those practitioners in order to retain satisfied nurses to meet the increasingly complex needs of communities as clients.


Mary R. Hassett

Date of Award

Spring 1996

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


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