Master's Theses


Social Work

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of the researcher was to investigate opinions of recovering substance abuse counselors concerning unique dual relationships. The independent variables were length of time in recovery, length of time in field (amount of work experience), amount of formal education, gender, and geographical location (size of community). The dependent variables were scores from the Substance Abuse Counselor Multiple Role Scale. The sample consisted of 100 individuals. Five composite null hypotheses were tested employing a three-way analysis of variance (general linear model) at the .0500 level. A total of 108 comparisons were made, plus 102 recurring comparisons. Of the 108 comparisons, 30 were for main effects and 78 for interactions. Of the 30 main effects, 5 were statistically significant at the .0500 level. Of the 78 interactions, 5 were statistically significant at the .0500 level. The results of the present study appeared to support the following generalizations: 1. female recovering substance abuse counselors have more awareness of, sensitivity toward, difficulty with , and/or observation of unique dual relationships for Primary Mutual-Help Role Versus Counselor Role scores than do their male counterparts; 2. substance abuse counselors in recovery 0-4 years have more awareness of, sensitivity toward, difficulty with , and/or observation of unique dual relationships for Counselor Discomfort scores than do their counterparts with 5-10 years of recovery: 3. length of time in recovery , amount of formal education, and gender should be interpreted concurrently for Opinion of Potential Dual Relationships: 4. length of time in recovery , amount of formal education , and gender should be interpreted concurrently for Effects on Counseling Relationships; 5. length of time in recovery , amount of formal education, and gender should be interpreted concurrently for Personal Recovery Versus Counselor Role: 6. length of time in recovery, amount of formal education, and gender should be interpreted concurrently for Total score of the Substance Abuse Counselor Multiple Role Scale (SACMRS): 7. length of time in field (amount of work experience), amount of formal education and gender should be interpreted concurrently for Counselor Discomfort: and 8. no association between community size (geographical location) of recovering substance abuse counselors and their opinions concerning unique dual relationships.


Bill Daley

Date of Award

Fall 1996

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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