Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The suggested uses of relaxation given by the technique of Freud coupled with the findings of Jacobson, Ferenczi and Bagchi have prompted the investigator to make some observations of the function of relaxation in rational psychotherapy. This presupposes that relaxation is used with considerable discretion. The investigation has been stimulated by a growing tendency in the Fort Hays Kansas State College Psychological Clinic to treat patients from the standpoint of the whole individual until specific traumata can be discovered In considering the value of relaxation, it may be well to think of the individual in much the same manner as does Lewin in setting forth the principles of topological psychology. The investigator considers the individual as a complex system of tensions operating in a topological field of forces. Anything which affects the individual affects more or less the entire individual and his adjustment toward the forces which limit his activity. In the mentally and physically healthy individual, all of these tensions and forces are in balance. When the system is thrown out of balance, it seems well to suppose that the first step in restoring the healthy balance is to reduce to a minimum the tens ions surrounding the individual. It is indicated that the real tension or disturbing factor can be more easily discovered if all extraneous tensions are removed. The system probably cannot be restored to complete balance, however, until the real trauma is removed or adjusted to.


Dr. George A. Kelly

Date of Award

Fall 1937

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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