Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The Dakota aquifer in the Hays area, Ellis County, Kansas is a major source of water for many users. The aquifer is composed of lower Cretaceous rocks overlain by Graneros shale and underlain by the Kiowa formation. This study develops a digital model of the Dakota aquifer in the Hays area. The model defines the flow system of the aquifer and will aid in its future development. Development of the model involved correlation of two hundred and twenty eight gamma-ray well logs of the aquifer and construction of structure contour and isopach map of the aquifer unit. This correlation network of gamma-ray logs will allow future explorationists to better evaluate water resources in the Dakota aquifer. The aquifer was simulated using a single layer finite-difference groundwater flow model (Graphic Groundwater©). The model indicates preliminary results. Pumping was the major stress applied in the model. It caused “reversed” flow, east to west direction. A decline of 2.49 feet in the potentiometric surface occurred during the transient model runs (February, 1994 to August, 1994).


John R. Ratzlaff

Date of Award

Spring 1995

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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