Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The object of the investigation was to find the relation of retention to the number of readings of factual prose articles and to the study of other factors which may influence retention. Students of the freshman and sophomore college classes were used as subjects. The experimental material consisted of reading material of highly factual articles and objective tests. Memory was measured at the end of two weeks after one, two, three, four and five readings. The other factors investigated in relation to memory ability were the effect of rereading upon retention, sex differences, and the correlation of retention of factual prose with achievement and intelligence. The emphasis of this investigation is upon a practical aspect of memory rather than on theoretically fundamental questions. We cannot remember and forget the information secured by reading and study in the same way we remember and forget nonsense syllables learned by rote to the degree of one correct repetition. The emphasis of the study is, therefore, on the number of thought units which are logically related to a subject's general knowledge rather than on rote memory for disconnected material. The method used is an indirect approach to the problem to be solved, in which group technique and statistical analysis take the place of fine control of conditions.


Dr. Homer B. Reed

Date of Award

Fall 1933

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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