Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This thesis will deal primarily with one phase of the social problem just raised and may be stated thus, "The Educational Program in Kansas in Relation to the State's Ability to Support Public Education." It is the writer's purpose to present the facts relative to the ability of the state of Kansas to support public education. After these have been presented we will be in a better position to propose more intelligently the better policy to pursue in respect to education in our state. The problem of taxation in the state of Kansas is receiving more attention now than ever before in the history of the state. Taxpayers' Leagues have sprung up in every county of the state. Demands have been made by these organizations for rigid economy in the maintenance of all public offices. These leagues have repeatedly passed resolutions which call for drastic reduction in the operation of national government and public schools up to the extent of thirty-three percent and in some cases as high as fifty percent.


Dr. Robert T. McGrath

Date of Award

Summer 1933

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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