Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of this investigation was to assess the ability of the Tiffany Control Scales (TCS) to differentiate between those persons at risk and those persons not at risk for alcohol related problems in their lives. Recent literature indicates there is no adequate screening tool or clinical instrument that does not contain some fundamental different samples (e.g., clinical vs. normal), (b) distinguishing between the sexes, or (c) psychometric weaknesses (e.g., reliability and error rates). A pilot study, conducted by the author, indicated that the TCS was an instrument that could be an accurate discriminator across samples, between sexes, and with a low error rate. A more in-depth assessment was warranted by the results of the pilot study. A historically relevant, and more recent theoretical view of alcohol use and abuse was reviewed, with an emphasis on an interactionist paradigm within which the TCS fits well. The interactionist view point is that people are active and effective participants in a non-deterministic world: A world in which physiological make-up, ecological and environmental influences, and personality variables influence behavior. Data, in the form of responses on the TCS, was gathered from three sources and submitted to discriminant analysis. This, analysis, it was hypothesized, would yield information and about clinically significant personality characteristics that might aid in assessment and treatment for alcohol abuse and alcoholism.
Dr. Phyllis G. Tiffany
Date of Award
Spring 1989
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Foley, Michael W., "The Tiffany Control Scales and Alcohol Abuse : A Discriminant Analysis of Personality Factors" (1989). Master's Theses. 2137.
DOI: 10.58809/WOMJ7229
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