Master's Theses


Social Work

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of the researcher was to investigate data generated by an ongoing drug education program. The independent variables investigated were gender, family structure, mother image, and father image. The dependent variables investigated were attitude toward substances, knowledge of substances, and self-concept. The subjects consisted of 109 fifth graders and 111 sixth graders, of which 115 were female and 105 were male. The total sample consisted of 220 students. Five composite null hypotheses were tested. Composite null hypotheses number 1-4 were tested with a three-way analysis of variance, and null hypothesis number 5 was tested by a t-test. A 2x4x2 factorial design was employed with composite null hypotheses number 1, 2, and 4. For null hypothesis number 3 a 2x2x2 factorial design was used. The results of the study appear to support the following generalizations: 1) Boys reported more negative attitudes toward substances. 2) Girls had a higher self-esteem than boys. 3) Children living with both natural parents had a higher self-esteem than children living with their divorced mother. 4) Children with a high father image had a higher self-esteem than children with a low father image. 5) Girls had a higher self-concept than boys. 6) Children living with both natural parents had a higher self-concept than children living with their divorced mother. 7) Children with a high father image had a higher self-concept than children with a low father image. 8) Children with a low mother image had more knowledge about substances than children with a high mother image. 9) Children with a high mother image had a more negative attitude toward substances than children with a low mother image. 10) Numerically, girls living with a mother and step-father and with a high father image had a higher self-esteem. 11) Numerically, boys living with their divorced mother and with a low father image had a lower self-esteem. 12) Numerically, children with a high father image and with a high mother image had a higher self-esteem and self-concept. 13) Numerically, children with a low father image and with a high mother image had a lower self-image and self-concept. 14) Numerically, boys living with both natural parents and with a low father image had a higher self-esteem.


Bill Daley

Date of Award

Summer 1989

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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