Master's Theses

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access

Date of Award

Summer 1985

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




David Kleim


Relaxation training was integrated into the regular education program of 2 rural Kansas communities. The treatment group, totaling 9 Kindergarten students, received 9 training sessions of approximately 15 minutes in length. Physiological indices of relaxation were provided by a hand held finger thermometer. A significant average increase of 1.77 [degrees] in finger temperature from base- line to post-treatment indicates a positive outcome of the procedures. Self-report measures of chronic anxiety were made using the Revised Children’s Mani fest Anxiety Scale. No significant change was obtained following relaxation training. Measurement of the subjects' anxiety-related behavior was made using a combination of three behavior rating scales. A total of 45 items were drawn from the Quay-Peterson Behavior Problem Checklist, Connor's Teacher Rating Scale, and the Davids Rating Scale. These items comprised the two orthogonal factors labeled Hyperactive and Shy-Inept. Children's behavior was assessed in school by the classroom teacher. Teacher reports indicated no significant change in anxiety-related behavior due to the intervention.


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© 1985 Bernard L. Kruse

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