Social Work
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of the researcher was to investigate self-concept in selected groups of college students. The impact of five independent variables upon self-concept was investigated. The five variables were: college classification levels; sex-class membership; age levels; CPA levels; and Self-Criticism levels. The sample consisted of 130 students selected from four classes on the campus of Fort Hays State University. The instrument used was the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale. Five hypotheses were tested at the .05 level of significance. Three of the hypotheses were rejected and two were accepted. Results of the present study indicated that a difference did exist among the mean self-concepts for different college classification levels. Graduates had significantly higher self-concepts on the following scales: Physical Self; Moral Ethical Self; Social Self; Self-Satisfaction; Behavior; and Self-Esteem. It was found that juniors had significantly lower self-concepts on the Physical Self Scale, Moral Ethical Self Scale, Social Self Scale, Self-Satisfaction Scale, Behavior Scale, and Self-Esteem Scale. Sophomores had significantly higher self-concepts on the Social Scale, Self-Satisfaction Scale and Self-Esteem Scale. Freshmen had significantly higher self-concepts on the following scales: Physical Self; Behavior; and Self-Esteem. No significant differences were found to indicate that a difference existed among the mean self-concepts for different age levels or different GPA levels. The following significant differences existed among the mean self-concept for different self-criticism levels: on the Family Self Scale, a significantly higher mean was found for total self-criticism level three and a significantly lower mean on total self-criticism level one; on the Social Self Scale, total self-criticism levels three and two had significantly higher means and total self-criticism level one had significantly higher means. The results of the present study would seem to support the following generalizations: (1) differences exist among college classification levels; (2) males and females differed in terms of self-concept pertaining to physical self; (3) Self-Concept is independent of age of co11ege students; (4) Se1f -concept is independent of GPA of college students; and (5) there is a relationship between self-concept and self-criticism.
Counseling, Tennessee self concept scale, Students, Kansas, Behavior, Mental states
Dr. Bill C. Daley
Date of Award
Spring 1984
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Stafford, Debra Sue, "An Exploratory Study of Self-Concept" (1984). Master's Theses. 1926.
DOI: 10.58809/LTSV8742
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