Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Little research has been done on the meaning of sexual intercourse experience, and the way that men and women construe the experience, its value (or lack of), and their expectations of the experience. Herold and Goodwin (1981) imposed a three virginity-status group structure on their subjects to assess differences that existed in how individuals made the transition from virginity to nonvirginity. The transition, it was suggested, was based on many things unique to the individuals including their expectations of the sexual intercourse experience. It was further suggested (Schechterman, McCabe, & Fulmer, 1982) that one's expectations not only influence one's present virginity status, but also how one feels (one's mood) after sexual intercourse has taken place. This post-intercourse effect may stay with individuals and govern many of their future sexual intercourse behaviors, expectations, and post-intercourse moods. In this research, four virginity-status groups were used to assess both status differences and sex differences of post-intercourse expectations and mood; Adamant Virgin (AV), Potential Nonvirgin (PNV) , Nonvirgin (NV), and Regretful Nonvirgin (RNV). All four groups were expected to lend information about post-intercourse mood and expectations. Since the transition from virginity to nonvirginity typically takes place during the young adult years, college age subjects, as have been used in past research of this kind, were used to answer such questions as: “How does one's expectations of sexual intercourse and one's loss of virginity influence one's resulting expectations and mood?", “Why is it that certain individuals make the transition from virginity to nonvirginity and feel positive about their experience while others feel negative about their experience?”, and “What 'types' of individuals have positive post-intercourse mood and expectations and what ˜types' of individuals have negative post -intercourse mood and expectations?” -196 subjects were administered a series of scales and questionnaires including an expectations scale. A 2 (sex) X 4 (virginity status) factorial design was used in which subjects placed themselves into a virginity status group. Participation in this research was anonymous. A series of ANOVA's and a series of Chi-Square and Contingency Coefficient analyses were done to assess sex and virginity status similarities and differences within and between groups. Statistical results showed that: (a) AV's were significantly higher in Sex Guilt than all other groups, (b) NV's reported significantly more Sex Instrumentalism in their relationships than AV's, (c ) AV's were significantly more conservative in their Sex Consideration than NV's, (d) RNV's maintained significantly lower anticipated post-intercourse expectations than AV's, (e) all four virginity groups could be found in both Rural and non-Rural populations, and (f) NV's did not have significantly more partners than RNV's. Practical implications included suggestions through which helping professionals could better promote the mental health of clients with characteristics similar to a specific virginity status.


Sex, Students, Fort Hays State University, Ellis County (Kan.), Testing, Attitude


Dr. David Kleim

Date of Award

Fall 1984

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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