Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Twenty-five special education personnel of a special education cooperative in rural Kansas and 14 parents who had a child in special education in that cooperative responded to a survey. The surveys were composed of items that attempted to assess the impact of P.I. 94-142 on programs and policies in the school districts and identify problem areas concerning non-compliance and strict interpretations of P.L. 94- 142. Parents appeared to believe that progress had been made in improving the number and quality of special education programs. Progress also appears to have been made by greater parental involvement in the education of exceptional children. Parents were concerned by a perceived increase in the educational control the school has over their children. They also felt they needed more information about special education from the school. Special educators indicated concern over increasing paperwork, a perceived increase in length of time required from referral to placement and the number of regulations governing their positions. The educators saw improvements in the extent of parental participation, greater cooperation among all education personnel and a more favorable attitude toward special education in general.


Robert Markley

Date of Award

Fall 1981

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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