Master's Theses


Health and Human Performance

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this research was to collect data in an effort to establish the status of health education in Kansas secondary schools. To meet this end, the questionnaire on the Status of Health Education in Kansas Secondary Schools, an instrument developed by this author, was mailed in April of 1980 to 380 high schools listed as members in the Kansas State High School Activities Association's 1979-1980 Membership Directory. Responses were received from 224 members (58.9%) of the sample group. These respondents were comprised of 72 (58.1%) of the state's 1A schools, 41 (64.1%) of the 2A schools, 37 (57.8%) of the 3A schools, 33 (51.6%) of the 4A schools, 17 (53.1%) of the 5A schools, and 22 (68.8%) of the 6A schools. One hundred thirty-five respondents (60 .3%) indicated their schools offer health education curriculums. Eighty-nine respondents (39.7%) indicated there was not a health education curriculum in their school. Analysis of data revealed only 43 schools (19.2%) actually teach health education as a separate part of their curriculum. Health education is taught as part of health related courses in 114 schools (17.1%). Seven schools (3.1%) do not offer health education at all. Chi square analysis of data was conducted in the following areas: 1. School classification versus content offerings. 2. School classification versus education level of teachers of health education. 3. School classification versus community resistance encountered toward health education. 4. Administrators' versus teachers' indications of the three most prevalent, and the three least prevalent problems. 5. Administrators' versus teachers' interest in results of this study, 6, Administrators' versus teachers' interest in results of this study with respect to whether or not their school offers a health education curriculum. The chi square test indicated significance at the .01 level in the area of school size and teacher preparation, It was found that 1A schools employ significantly more teachers with 1 to 18 hours in health education and significantly fewer teachers with Master's degrees in physical education including hours in health education, Significance at the .01 level was also noted when administrators ranked instructors attitudes as one of the three most prevalent problems in health education, While administrators ranked instructor's attitudes as a major problem in health education, both groups (administrators and teachers) ranked student attitudes as the number one problem. Chi square analysis again indicated significance at the .01 level when administrators' versus teachers ' interest in survey results were compared. Chi square analysis failed to indicate significant differences in the areas of: a) Content offering versus school classification; b) School classification versus indication of community resistance received toward health education; c) Administrators ' versus teachers' ranking of the three least prevalent problems in health education; and d) Administrators' versus teachers' interest in survey results with respect to whether or not their school offered health education curriculum.


Secondary education, High schools, Health, Questionnaires, Curriculum, Chi-square test, Kansas


Dr. Don R. Fuertges

Date of Award

Summer 1981

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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