Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


A re-scaling of Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) using multidimensional methods was performed to examine more closely the 43 events of the scale in order to learn more about how stressful events are perceived. Seventy-five subjects sorted cards containing the events into five categories according to their similarity of degree, or amount of stress. The number of times any two events were placed together was recorded and entered into a matrix. The data matrix was then analyzed by the Kruskal-Shepard M-D-SCAL computer program in the OSIRIS system using, alternatively, no starting configuration and two different configurations. The three-dimensional solution using a starting configuration based on the original scale values proved to be the most satisfactory. Dimension 1 was the most-to-least stress continuum, Dimension 2 revealed socioeconomic perceptions of the events, and Dimension 3 was work-related on one end and family-related on the other. Data was also forced into a single dimension and compared to the original scale. There were no important differences between the rankings of the total sample and males or females, or between the total sample and the original sample used to determine the scale values. The results of this study demonstrate that the events of the SRRS are perceived multi-dimensionally and some events may not be relevant to certain age groups or socioeconomic classes, bringing into question the content validity of the scale. In addition, improved predictive use of the scale might result from scoring an individual on several dimensions.


Robert Markley

Date of Award

Summer 1978

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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