Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


This thesis is a statement in painting of subjects that have made an impression on the artist. I believe all artists draw upon past experiences either consciously or unconsciously in making their statement. The experiences of my past have a significant influence on my painting. Having spent my childhood on a small Kansas farm, I feel a close attachment to the rural setting. I find the old, the weathered, the abandoned, and the neglected to have a character that cannot be found in the new and the manicured. However, my paintings are not solely devoted to the rural setting, as I believe the artist should remain flexible in both media and approach. I occasionally choose subjects from my travel or from the German villages where I have lived the past five years. When using the German subjects for paintings, I’m again drawn to the rural areas or to small farm villages. Just as in the States, I find the older sections of the villages to have far more character than the sterile blocks of concrete found in the new structures.


John C. Thomas

Date of Award

Summer 1978

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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