Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This study was designed to assess the effects of four different biofeedback temperature control training procedures on activity rates of sixteen six to eight year old children of normal intelligence. Four conditions were tested: 1) autogenic warming phrases with instructions to raise temperature for verbal reinforcement; 2) instructions to raise temperature for verbal reinforcement, no autogenic phrases; 3) autogenic warming phrases only; and 4) instructions to lower temperature for verbal reinforcement, with autogenic cooling phrases. Minute-by-minute assessments were taken of activity rate as measured by the Ryabik-Farrall Activity Chair, and temperature, as measured by a PM-4 Farrall Biofeedback instrument, throughout the five-minute baseline, ten-minute treatment, and five-minute post-test. Within the four ten-minute training sessions all sixteen children were able to significantly reduce their rate of activity and increase their finger temperature. The results are discussed as relevant to the clinical and educational application of biofeedback finger temperature control training for reduction in activity rates.


Primary education, Students, Russell (Kan.), Testing, Biological control systems, Temperature


Dr. James E. Ryabik

Date of Award

Summer 1977

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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