Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This study attempted to determine the percentage of deer hunters who have experienced buck fever. Also investigated was the influence of seven variables associated with buck fever. Two hundred male and fifty female deer hunters were surveyed with the use of a questionnaire. Questions were designed to elicit information about their deer hunting experiences and in depth questioning of any buck fever episodes. The return rate of the survey was 40.5% for the males and 30.0% for the females. The results suggest that 67.9% of the male deer hunters have experienced buck fever, or symptoms that could be termed buck fever. Of importance was the emergence of a third group of hunters who reported not having buck fever yet reported having many or the symptoms. Several variables, long associated with buck fever, did not prove to have the influence as they were once assumed to have. Findings suggest the significant difference between the two groups was the emotional makeup of the hunters themselves.


Hunters, Men, Women, Questionnaires, Fear, Kansas


Dr. Ronald G. Smith

Date of Award

Summer 1976

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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