Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


The purpose of the thesis, Socialism in Kansas: Reflections of the Peterson Brothers of Dodge City, Kansas, is to explain and analyze the Socialist Party of the state of Kansas. The views of two former Socialists, Henry and Pete Peterson, are incorporated with other materials to formulate the Socialist’s story. Chapter One deals with the background of the Socialist movement in the United States. It explains the formation of the Socialist Party with which the Kansas Socialists were affiliated. It also traces the development and decline of the national movement. Chapter Two explains the basic structure of the party and the party’s efforts to expand membership in Kansas. In Chapter Three the aims and goals of the Socialist Party are outlined. The differences in the philosophy of socialism among individual members are analyzed. The party’s efforts in political campaigns and their other activities are explained in Chapter Four. This chapter traces the successes and failures of the party in the electoral process. Use is made of election statistics to explain this aspect of the party’s activities. Other activities, such as the party press, are discussed. Chapter Five deals with why the Socialist movement failed in the state. This includes an analysis of the basic weaknesses in the state party.


Kansas--History, Dodge City (Kan.), Ford County (Kan.), Socialism, Analysis, Henry L. Peterson (1893-1984), Paul Peterson


Dr. James L. Forsythe

Date of Award

Summer 1976

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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