Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


A review of literature dealing with moon phases and psychiatric emergencies was undertaken. It was found that few empirical studies were done and that the earlier empirical studies did not reveal a lunar relationship while more recent research indicated a positive relationship between lunar phases and human behavior. This study replicated the work but not the results of Blackman and Catalina (1973). Emergency psychiatric contacts to the High Plains Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center in Hays, Kansas, on the days of the full moon were compared with other periods during the month for the 12 month period August 1971 through July 1972. Significantly fewer emergency contacts were found on the full moon day when compared with a ten day interval before the full moon. The number of emergency contacts on the day of the full moon was significantly less than the number of emergency contacts during the week of the full moon. No other significant differences were found.


Hays (Kan.), Ellis County (Kan.), Moon, Mental health facilities--Kansas, Behavior, Analysis


Dr. Robert Markley

Date of Award

Summer 1974

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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