Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The effects of premodeling and social reinforcement on group assertive training were studied, using nine adult patients from a community mental health center's inpatient unit. Two experimental groups and one control group were included in this study. The two experimental groups were trained in assertive behavior via behavioral rehearsal, instructions, and modeling. In addition, one of these experimental groups received social reinforcement and pre-training experience in observational learning, whereas the other experimental group did not receive these conditions. The control group was a test-retest group which was led to believe that the testing was the assertive training. The assessment included a pre-treatment and post-treatment assertiveness questionnaire and a tape recorded behavioral response test. An in vivo behavioral response test was included in the post-treatment assessment. The results indicated an absence of treatment effect. It is suggested that the outcome may have been due to an inadequate control over subject population, inappropriateness of a standardized training procedure within a group setting, inappropriate treatment for this subject population, massed rather than spaced training, insufficient and too dissimilar pre-modeling experiences, and/or insensitive or inappropriate response measures.


Hays (Kan.), Ellis County (Kan.), Assertiveness (Psychology), Mental health facilities--Kansas, Behavior, Testing


Dr. Robert Adams

Date of Award

Fall 1974

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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