Master's Theses


Health and Human Performance

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this descriptive study was to compare personality characteristics of varsity football players and non-football athletes with an emphasis on the variable aggression. This study of aggression may aid in the abolishment of the belief that interscholastic football contributes to the building of over-aggressive tendencies. The scope of the study was to compare varsity football players and non-football athletes on aggressiveness at Fort Hays Kansas State College. This study was limited by these factors: First, it involved twenty-five varsity athletes of Fort Hays Kansas State College who had participated in football. Second, it involved twenty-five non-football athletes of Fort Hays Kansas State College who did not participate in interscholastic athletics. Third, the measurement of the degree of aggressive tendencies was limited to those evaluated by the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule.


Russell Bogue

Date of Award

Summer 1973

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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