Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This study investigated the influence of self-concept on performance of two groups of students following induced success and failure. The Ss were 48 students ranging 8-10 years of age. One group attended a voluntary summer enrichment program. This group constituted the high self-concept (HSC) students. Ss in the HSC group were assigned on the assumption their past success experiences would result in a more positive self-concept. The low self-concept (LSC) group consisted of students referred by their teachers for a remedial program. The LSC students were assumed to have lower self-concepts because of their school failure experiences. All Ss in the HSC group had average to above-average intelligence. The LSC group had average to below-average intelligence. All Ss were given a seven item semantic differential scale for the purpose of obtaining a self-report evaluation. Ss in both groups were seen individually in session one. In session one Ss were given 10 trials to learn a finger maze. After a period of two days Ss repeated the same task using the same maze. Ss were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. At the beginning of session, two Ss were given feedback according to one of the treatment groups. These groups were: 1) positive feedback, 2) no feedback, and 3) negative feedback. The results were analyzed by using a 2x3x2 analysis of variance design. The effect of self-concept on performance in session two was not significant. Practice effects over trials did occur.


Behavior, Mental states, Experiments, Analysis, Students, Self-perception, Primary education, Feedback (Psychology)


Dr. Phyllis G. Tiffany

Date of Award

Fall 1972

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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