Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Fort Hays Kansas State College has sponsored ten Summer Mathematics Institutes, including the one held in 1969. These institutes have had financial support from the National Science Foundation and have all been directed by Professor Wilmont Toalson. These institutes have had several common features: (a) each institute has been unitary; that is, it has been designed to offer a Single summer of study; (b) each has offered stipends to approximately forty high school teachers of mathematics; (c) each program offered five regular courses which could be taken for graduate or undergraduate credit; and (d) a non-credit seminar was required for all participants in each. This follow-up study was the second research program involving participants of Fort Hays State institutes and was concerned with the summer institutes of 1964, 1967, and 1968. Data were gathered from three sources: questionnaires sent to the participants, the application forms submitted by the participants, and the participants’ official school records. The general purpose of the study was to determine how attendance at the institutes affected the participants; in other words, to determine to what degree the objectives of the institutes were realized. A particular purpose of the study was to determine if the participants had used the knowledge gained at the institute, and if so, to what extent this use had affected the personal development and attitudes of the participants toward mathematics. Major results were: (1) most respondents reported that institute courses were sources of supplementary modern materials or approaches which were used in their classes. (2) Every change in the type of mathematics being taught was toward a more modern approach. (3) Work of a more advanced nature was included in many respondent's classes as a result of attending the institute. (4) Many respondents were responsible for updating the mathematics programs in their schools. (5) Many respondents had assisted in seminars in which parents or other teachers had studied modern mathematics programs. (6) A majority of the respondents indicated a confidence in modern mathematics programs and increased enthusiasm for teaching this kind of program because of institute attendance. (7) An interest in additional study of mathematics was expressed by many respondents. (8) Many respondent s expressed continued interest in NSF programs. (9) Most respondent s felt that the institutes were beneficial. Results of the study indicate to the author of this paper that the objectives of the Fort Hays institutes were achieved for the population under consideration.


Wilmont Toalson

Date of Award

Summer 1970

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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