Master's Theses


Economics, Finance, & Accounting

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The major purpose of this study was to accumulate and analyze the expenditures of Fort Hays students in Hays, Kansas in order to emphasize the importance of these students to the city. The examination was to involve an item by item breakdown of all expenses including everything from necessities to luxuries. It was also to give a total expenditure breakdown by sex, school classification, and marital status. Methods and procedures employed: A questionnaire was prepared and used as a record-keeping tool during 100 personal interviews. These 100 interviewees were selected on a random basis, and all persons selected granted us an interview. The information for this study was obtained from these personal interviews. Summary and findings: The student population spent, as a universe, $8,918,097.28 in the city of Hays. There were 4,600 students during the spring of 1966, which means the average student expenditure was $1,938.72. The college student is definitely of economic value to the Hays community, and the college, undoubtedly, is the biggest business in the city.


Dr. Milburn Little

Date of Award

Spring 1968

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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