Master's Theses


Advanced Education Programs

Degree Name

Education Specialist (Ed.S)


Previous research regarding technology integration in education has indicated that when technology is integrated into the classroom with fidelity it can enhance educational experiences ranging from academic achievement to student attitudes toward education and student self-concept. Research has also indicated, however that despite the growing presence of technology in classrooms, it is not being effectively utilized. Further research investigating this disparity between presence of technology and integration of those technologies for student-centered learning opportunities has revealed that there are several underlying factors related to effective educational technology integration. Those factors which are considered to be most influential are (a) time, (b) teacher attitudes, (c) teacher beliefs, and (d) comfort levels regarding use of technology. These factors have also been suggested to be influenced by the level of exposure educators have to technology, insofar as, teachers attitudes, beliefs, and comfort levels have been shown to increase as the amount of exposure and formal training they receive regarding its use increases. A shift in pedagogical conceptualizations lead by the International Society for Technology in Education as, well as previous research that indicates formal training at the university level is the best means for influencing teacher’s attitudes and beliefs, has lead researchers to focus primarily on how to best prepare educators to embrace and effectively integrate technology into the classroom. This burden to develop technological pedagogical content knowledge in educators has been placed primarily on institutions of higher education who are encouraged to formulate programs intended to prepare a wave of new educators who are adequately equipped to embrace and integrate new technologies. Though contentions have been made that university level direct instruction is the most effective means to provide educators with these skills, research directly supporting these contentions and the success of such courses has not been sufficiently explored. The present study examined the effects that receiving direct instruction at the university level on the topic of technology integration into the classroom had on teachers’ ability to integrate technology into their curriculum and classroom practices. The current research also investigated the relationship between philosophies of education and integration of technology as well as the relationship between technology integration and affinity toward computer use, confidence and comfort using computers, and general school support. Also explored were the effects of levels of technology integration across level of teaching based on number of years of teaching experience and perceived scenario content. The sample for the current study was comprised of 17 individuals who were either current students or graduates of the Master in Education Program at Fort Hays State University who have completed the AEP 800 course: Introduction to Utilization of Technology in Classrooms. Of the participants, two were male and 15 were female. The variable affinity toward technology use was found to be positively correlated with level of technology integration. Additionally, participants demonstrated an ability to integrate technologies at higher levels than determined by previous research across two of the four scenarios presented. The content of the two scenarios that were found to be significant indicates that while the participants, representative of the general teaching population, have considerable knowledge relative to technology, they are not as proficient at transferring such knowledge into instructional practices.


Dr. Jennifer Bonds-Raacke

Date of Award

Spring 2012

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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