Master's Theses


Economics, Finance, & Accounting

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study is to relate the technical description of the operational mechanism of the Federal Funds Market to the dealings of Kansas Banks in that Market. This study will include an account of the beginning of the Market in 1921, and its development up to December 31, 1965. In addition, a discussion as to the general purpose of the Market will be undertaken. The investigation should reveal the basic function of the Federal Funds Market, and the role it plays in the reserve adjustment activities of commercial banks. The competitive relationship between the market rate and the discount rate will also be given some attention in order to describe their interaction. Furthermore, a comparison of the participation of a 50 per cent random sample of Kansas banks with a 50 per cent random sample of the banks in Oklahoma, Missouri, Colorado, and Nebraska will be made. The banks in these states were chosen due to their similarity in agricultural and industrial background, and their comparable volume of demand deposits.


Dr. Milburn Little

Date of Award

Spring 1967

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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