![Master's Theses](../../assets/md5images/b073eef2c231780838431e1c53638883.jpg)
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Artistic expression has long been demonstrated to be an integral part of man's faceted spirit. Evidence of man's desire to create beauty is found all through his history. It is the original means of recording history, as seen in cave paintings and drawings made by the earliest of men. Media of artistic expression involving two dimensional space have changed since that early hunter drew with subtle simplicity and beauty, bison and cattle on cave walls. New media usually require new approaches and always demand critical control of what could be technical pitfalls. Watercolor was for many years considered to be simply a “study” media with which small drawings were made or tinted by the media. These small drawings were then used as a guide in executing a larger painting, usually oil as the media. After the completion of the larger painting, the studies were often discarded and were of no further value. Therefore watercolor was not considered a permanent means of expression. Watercolor was unfavorable because of its little “rework” possibilities. During the last decade of the Nineteenth Century and in our present age, daring men have explored the artistic worth of watercolor and discovered it to be a vastly rich and rewarding medium capable of infinite variety and permanence. Reference to the works of John Marin, Winslow Homer and Pendergast will illustrate their findings. The painter of this thesis desired a fluid media capable of being transparent, directness in approach and speed in the execution of idea. Watercolor overwhelmingly met all the qualifications. Landscape has always held a fascination to the painter of this thesis. The study of the landscape in its natural state; how man has affected landscape; and man in relation to his landscape have all proved valuable to the painter in better understanding his environment. The purpose of painting the landscape was not to bring to view new knowledge about nature but rather to present personal interpretations of the landscape.
Painting, Watercolors, Creative ability, Ink, Methods, Fort Hays State University
Dr. Joel C. Moss
Date of Award
Summer 1966
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Nevills, Thomas Alan, "An Approach to Landscape Paintings: Watercolor" (1966). Master's Theses. 1004.
DOI: 10.58809/NFAR9362
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