Samuel J. Sackett Folklore Collection



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Publication Date



Interviews with Dorothy Jane Nuckolls, Joseph, Vodraska, Connie Congdon and Kay Finley.
00:00:00 - Recording begins in-progress. Song, "I Will Never Marry" vocal with guitar
00:02:27 - Song, "Engine 143" vocal with guitar
00:05:19 - Song, "Squirty, Squirty" vocal duet with guitar
00:06:25 - Song, "Old Paint" vocal with guitar
00:08:01 - Introduction, Joseph H. Vodraska of Wilson, KS by Mona Mae Brubaker on November 1, 1963 in Blackwolf, KS.
00:08:27 - Song, "Austrian-Hungarian Cavalry Song" played on accordion
00:09:01 - Song, "Austrian-Hungarian Cavalry Song" vocal, in Czech
00:10:55 - Song, "May I Sleep In Your Barn Tonight, Mister?" vocal group and accordion, to the tune of "Red River Valley"
00:13:41 - Introduction, Connie Congdon and Kay Finley of Garden City, KS by Gary Freeman on November 23, 1963
00:14:00 - Song, "Mandy" vocal duet with guitar. This portion of the tape suffers from distortion.
00:18:04 - Song, "In the Pines" vocal duet with guitar.
00:20:12 - Song, "How Sad Flows The Stream" vocal with guitar
00:21:52 - Song, "Darlin' Corey" vocal with guitar
00:26:50 - Song, "O' Freedom" vocal with guitar
00:30:32 - Song, "Handsome, Winsome Johnny" vocal with guitar
00:34:20 - Song, "Good Ol' Mountain Dew" vocal with guitar
00:37:06 - Song, "Pretty Saro" vocal with guitar
00:40:23 - Song, "Goodnight Irene" vocal with guitar
00:43:05 - Song, "Jamaica Goodbye" vocal with guitar
00:45:06 - Concluding remarks
00:45:37 - Tape concludes with a faint musical recording and conversation

Physical Description

reel-to-reel audio and accompanying documentation


Tucson (Ariz.), Hays (Kan.), Folk music, Folk songs, Wilson (Kan), Blackwolf (Kan.), Garden City (Kan.)


© University Archives, Forsyth Library, Fort Hays State University


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Interviews with Dorothy Jane Nuckolls, Joseph, Vodraska, Connie Congdon and Kay Finley


Recording Location