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Interviews with Anna Erskine and Martha E. Soliday regarding their experiences homesteading in Kansas in the late 1800s.
00:00:31 - Personal history and move to Kansas
00:03:03 - Living in a dugout
00:04:52 - Watering cattle
00:06:51 - Cool house
00:07:15 - Farming and types of trees
00:09:10 - Moving to Kansas from Illinois
00:10:40 - Trouble with Cattlemen
00:11:35 - Move to Gray County from Greenwood County
00:12:39 - Prairie fires caused by trains
00:18:49 - Early Cimarron and feud between two hotels
00:22:45 - County seat fight
00:23:47 - Employment opportunities for women and pay
00:25:30 - Teachers and schools
00:26:51 - Women homesteaders and teaching in rural schools
00:31:31 - Other jobs and education
00:33:34 - Contested claim
00:34:04 - Working at the bank in Cimarron in 1906
00:38:35 - Her only vacation
00:39:40 - Pioneer diet
00:41:23 - Treatment for colds
00:42:25 - Clothing
00:43:20 - Moving a house from Cimarron
00:46:35 - Irrigation. Recording becomes difficult to hear
00:48:28 - School entertainment
00:51:03 - Games played at school
00:55:00 - Games, Miller Boy, Needle's Eye, and Post Office
00:59:34 - Prairie fires and tumbleweeds
01:00:28 - Snowstorms and teacher's duties
01:03:42 - Family's religious experiences. Recording quality improves.
01:08:07 - Singing school and music in the community
01:11:26 - Runaway buggy
01:13:55 - July 4, 1887
01:15:25 - Grasshopper swarms
01:16:19 - Pink lemonade
01:18:03 - Introduction to interview with Martha E. Soliday, July 9, 1961
01:18:36 - Family history and move from Tennessee
01:19:31 - Blizzard of 1886
01:21:00 - Moving from a dugout to a sod house then to Hutchinson
01:21:46 - First job
01:22:15 - Move back to Stafford County
01:22:41 - Indigenous Americans in Stafford County
01:24:15 - Romani people and Italian migrant workers
01:26:00 - Entertainment
01:27:39 - Song, "Man in the moon making cheese."
01:28:06 - Grandparents and parents
01:29:05 - Her wedding in 1910
The remainder of the recording is missing
Physical Description
reel-to-reel audio and accompanying documentation
Gray County (Kan.), Frontier & pioneer life, Greenwood County (Kan.), Teachers, Rural schools, Kansas Wesleyan Business College, Stafford County (Kan.), Sod houses, Homesteading
© University Archives, Forsyth Library, Fort Hays State University
Digitized by Forsyth Digital Collections
Recommended Citation
Soliday, Phyllis, "Interviews with Anna Erskine and Martha Soliday" (1961). Samuel J. Sackett Folklore Collection. 57.
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