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An interview with Alma Carlson followed by an interview with George Sidwell, Max McCall, and Carl Carlson regarding their experiences as county agents.
00:02:05 - Coming to the United States from Sweden
00:02:40 - Chicago fire of 1871
00:05:41 - Moving to Kansas
00:11:24 - Life in the dugout
00:14:50 - Building the frame house
00:16:16 - Life as a Swedish immigrant
00:17:37 - Song, a Swedish verse (Swedish language)
00:18:47 - Song, What a Friend We Have In Jesus (Swedish language)
00:19:03 - Learning English
00:22:50 - Life as a shut-in
00:25:26 - George Sidwell, Max McCall, and Carl Carlson introduction
00:26:15 - George Sidwell, experience as a county agent in Leoti, KS in 1918
00:29:46 - Experience as a county agent in Ness County, KS
00:32:00 - Max McCall, experience as a county agent in Clark County, KS in 1921
00:35:12 - Carl Carlson, experience recruiting labor during a labor shortage and cultural tensions between African Americans and Volga-Germans
00:38:18 - Vaccinating livestock
00:39:54 - Gaining the trust of the Volga-German community in Rush County, KS
00:42:57 - McCall, experiences with prairie dogs and fires in Clark County, KS
00:45:20 - Sidwell, poultry culling
00:46:46 - Gaining the trust of farmers
00:49:07 - George Sibler's Model-T roadster
00:50:22 - Working long hours as a county agent
00:51:51 - Mixing poison for prairie dogs and grasshoppers
00:54:26 - History of the Farm Bureau in Kansas
00:56:25 - McCall, life after working as a county agent
00:57:02 - Sidwell, life after working as a county agent
00:58:36 - Carlson, women in extension work
Physical Description
reel-to-reel audio and accompanying documentation
Immigrants -- Sweden, Frontier & pioneer life, Sod houses, Dugout houses, Chanute (Kan.), Cattle, Farming, Ranching, Labor shortages, African Americans, Volga-Germans, Chickens, Hogs
© University Archives, Forsyth Library, Fort Hays State University
Digitized by Forsyth Digital Collections
Recommended Citation
Carlson, Laura P., "Interview with Alma Carlson, George Sidwell, Max McCall, and Carl Carlson" (1960). Samuel J. Sackett Folklore Collection. 41.
eng, swe
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