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Interviews with "Red" Holmes, Amy Smith, Horace and Floy Jones, Bonita Thompson, Marie Dorsey, Margaret Hatt, Clara Switzer, Jane Kain and Joan Kesser.
00:00:00 - Introduction, Milton "Red" Holmes of Woodston, KS
00:00:14 - Song, "Home Sweet Home Waltz", harmonica and autoharp
00:02:01 - Song, "The Little Twin Coons", banjo and vocal (racist language)
00:03:41 - Song, untitled, banjo and vocal
00:04:25 - Song, "Watermelon Song", banjo and vocal (racist language)
00:05:06 - Song, "Negro Whistler", banjo and vocal (racist language)
00:06:11 - Song, "Whoa Mule", banjo and vocal
00:07:33 - Introduction, Amy Smith of Woodston, KS
00:07:51 - Song, "A Georgia Rose", guitar and vocal
00:11:27 - Poem, "The Hook Worm"
00:13:06 - Song, "The Marriage Festival", vocal and guitar (racist language)
00:15:47 - Poem, "Old Roller Towel"
00:18:22 - Introduction, Horace and Floy Jones of Russell, KS
00:18:42 - Tall tales
00:20:27 - Song, "Kansas Land", vocal
00:20:55 - Kansas girl's imagination
00:21:40 - Poem about Women's Suffrage, "Hans Dunderkopf"
00:25:19 - Poem, "The Puzzled Dutchman"
00:26:41 - Poem, "Monday's Child"
00:27:10 - Husking Bee
00:27:41 - Introduction, Bonita Thompson of Russell, KS
00:28:04 - Eulenspiegel and family lore
00:33:11 - Marie Dorsey of Protection, KS. This interview begins in progress 00:33:19 - Introduction
00:33:40 - Song, "Blue Danube", whistling
00:36:36 - Explanation and more whistling
00:37:54 - Poem, "There was an old woman . . ."
00:39:09 - Song, "Six Little Mice", vocal
00:39:59 - Introduction, Margaret Hatt of Protection, KS
00:40:31 - Song, "I Love the Name Protection"
00:41:06 - Czech folk song, "Cats and Dogs"
00:41:53 - Lullaby, "The Slumber Boat"
00:42:50 - Song, "The Fiddle"
00:43:13 - Clara Switzer of Protection, KS
00:43:30 - Song, "The Ditty"
00:44:14 - Jane Kain of Protection, KS
00:44:41 - Song, "Mary Margaret Truman"
00:45:26 - Song, "We are nuns of Coddie Sea"
00:47:12 - Song, "Hark the Dotty Coddies Shout"
00:47:51 - Song, Dotty Codie vacation song
00:48:40 - Introduction, Joan Messer of Pratt, KS
00:48:48 - Song, "The Fox"
00:50:10 - Song, "Soldier, Soldier"
00:51:54 - Song, "Colorado Trail"
00:52:28 - Song, "The Riddle"
00:53:34 - Song, "Perry, Meri, Dixi, and Dominie"
00:55:44 - Song, "Two Brothers"
00:57:40 - Song, "My Good Old Man"
00:59:30 - Song, "Woman Got Home"
01:01:09 - Song, "Wizard Oil"
Physical Description
reel-to-reel audio and accompanying documentation
Folk songs, Folk music, Frontier & pioneer life, Superstitions, Farming, Women--Suffrage
© University Archives, Forsyth Library, Fort Hays State University
Digitized by Forsyth Digital Collections
Recommended Citation
Orr, Curtis and Kain, Jane, "Interviews with "Red" Holmes, Amy Smith, Horace and Floy Jones, Bonita Thompson, Marie Dorsey, Margaret Hatt, Clara Switzer, Jane Kain and Joan Kesser" (1971). Samuel J. Sackett Folklore Collection. 145.
eng, ger
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